Did you know that Naboustranslations can help you save a lot of money with its all-inclusive monthly packages? In addition to providing you with quality translations, we also offer you the following services.
We offer companies solutions that enable them to obtain quality virtual support services and save more than €30,000 in payroll and other costs.
We give you an example to show to your accountant who will not deny us. Your company has an e-commerce website, receives hundreds of emails a day from customers online, on social networks or via your live chat. You have two employees paid at least €22,000 each per year to answer messages in French and manage orders. Did you know that we can offer you these same services from €699 per month and full time?
Save over €30,000 by outsourcing these tasks to professionals in Dakar with experience with European and North American firms
Visit naboustranslations.com or write to us at info@naboustranslations.com.
This rate is available for a limited time only. Please hurry. First come, first served!